Description of our services

In connection with the foundation, establishment and management of US corporations, we offer our clients the following services:

Handling all of the formalities connected with the establishment of a corporation, such as: drawing up the partnership contract, finding a name for the corporation, entering the corporation in the register of companies and having the documents notarized in accordance with the laws of the federal state in which the corporation is established.

Etablierungshilfen wie: Vermittlung von Geschäftsräumen mit Postservice und Telefonanschluss, Eröffnung von Geschäftskonten bei der Bank of America, Vermittlung von Mitgliedschaften in berufsständischen Vereinigungen, Hilfestellung bei der Gewerbeanmeldung und ggf. handelsregisterlichen Eintragung (Fremdleistung dt. Notar), Erstellung von Marketingkonzepten und Werbeauftritten (Internetdomains).

Support services for your establishment of a corporation, such as: providing office space with postal service and a telephone connection, applying for membership in professional organizations, assisting you with registration as a commercial enterprise or, if appropriate, arranging a listing in the register of companies (with the services of a German notary public outside our company), drawing up marketing concepts and advertising presentations (Internet domains).

Help with the management of your corporation, such as: finding appropriate accounting and tax advisory companies, arranging legal advice in all relevant legal areas (from lawyers outside our company), arranging contacts with appropriate tax advisory offices in Europe for the administration of any planned branch offices.

Assistance with personal capital financing: the capital market outside the stock exchange and in the before-hours stock market, capital provision independent of banks (mezzanine capital, silent corporate capital, jouissance right capital, venture capital etc.).

As an internationally operating business consulting company, we can offer you further services according to your needs and individual consultation and coordination.